June 26-July 2
Fishing the week of June 26-July 2 has been better for walleyes and perch than anything else! We have been doing a lot of walleye trips this week due to our salmon and trout not fully being here yet. Walleye fishing has been great in the lower part of the bay, and the perch bite has been very good on the west side of the Bay of Green Bay. The perch numbers this are incredible and are really showing a strong come back. Limits of perch haven't been very common, as well as limits of Walleyes! Walleyes we have been getting casting spoons, jigging raps and shiver minnows. The perch we've been using minnows on jigs or drop shoting them with a plain hook and a minnow. Very fun bite! The walleye bite should only get better throughout the summer here as the water on the bay is finally starting to really warm up!
Our salmon and trout bite is finally starting! This week we did improve our catch rate some and we are definitely seeing more fish in our area and will only continue to see more fish with the warmer weather forecasted! Fishing out of Baileys Harbor and Sturgeon Bay has been about the same this week. Getting 3-5 Salmon per trip. I am hearing better reports down south in Algoma which means more fish are coming! Should be a Great year once the fish fully show up!
If you would like to contact us about a guide trip/Salmon charter please call/text us or email us for more information regarding your next Door County fishing trip!

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