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June 19-25 Fishing Report in Door County

June 19-25

Fishing the week of June 19-25 has been good but we are certainly waiting for our salmon and trout to fully show up! There are a few fish around but not a crazy population yet, but they are coming! When they finally do show up it should be a record year as far as numbers of salmon and the amount of bait in the system. That is also one of our main problems right now as well for the slower fishing, is the over abundance of bait in the lake. Very good for fish populations, but slower for fishing! The lake side will be heating up soon and when it does, hold on!!

The Bay of Green Bay side has been steady but also in transition and also a system full of bait. We also saw our alewives spawning the last week or so here making fishing even a bit more challenging. This week we did see a lot of perch as well as walleyes. Walleyes we were casting spoons in the shallows as well as trolling cranks and crawlers. The perch seem to be right there with the walleyes which is also a fun mix!

Not a lot to report on this week, but we certainly do have some amazing salmon and trout fishing to come!!

If you would like to contact us about a guide trip/Salmon charter please call/text us or email us for more information regarding your next Door County fishing trip!


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