Spring fishing in Door County has been awesome this year! We certainly had a more ‘normal’ spring this year with a later ice out, regular water levels, and cooler temps in April. These are the springs we once had! The last few years (2019-2021) were somewhat early springs and mild winters. This year with it being a litter more normal we are seeing fish in areas where they used to be for the first week of June. Both the Green Bay side and the Lake Michigan side are a bit cooler than normal. Our small mouth bass season was off to a great start this year the first week of May, we saw a number of big Walleyes mixed in with the Bass like we normally do. We have fished Bass everyday in May until now, the first week of June. Bass have been anywhere from 2-14 feet of water this spring. When the water warns up and the wind blows they seem to push very shallow! When the water temps were cooler this spring that deeper bite was very good as well. Jerk-baits, hair jigs, tube and swim baits were all a player this spring. We saw fish this spring up to 7.5 pounds and many days we landed a 6 pounder as well as a number of 5 pounders! We are seeing a slight decline in fish populations right now due to a large year class of fish that died due to old age and we also do have a disease right now called the small mouth bass disease. The DNR is conduction a few studies related to this disease with the hope of learning more about it in the coming years.
Our Salmon boat is in the water right now and we hope for another great year on the Lake Michigan side of the lake! We keep out Salmon boat docked in Baileys Harbor. We are seeing a very successful year class of salmon coming up for the 2022 season. The WI DNR and the MI DNR have greatly increased the stocking numbers for the next couple years so we should see a few awesome years of Salmon and Steelhead fishing ahead!
If you would like to contact us about a guide trip/Salmon charter please call/text us or email us for more information regarding your next Door County fishing trip!
Thank you for reading out first blog post! I plan to start doing these weekly with updates and reports!

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